... but there is a formula that produces an algebraic surface shaped like a heart
if you draw the points (x,y,z) where it equals 0.
You can modify it or tweak its parameters to match your feelings.
HINT: If you change the final 3 into a 2 you can get the heart into some lovely underpants.
If it does not reflect your passions or you're feeling adventurous you can change the equation completely. Make a singular connection x^2-x^3+y^2+y^4+z^3-z^4. Love is all around (x^2+y^2+z^2-1)*((x-3*a)^2+y^2+z^2-1).
To continue exploring mathematical equations that create other wild, powerful, inspiring, provocative, sweet, curious, confusing, sometimes scary but always amazing three dimensional surfaces you can download SURFER, a desktop application for Windows, Mac or Linux.
This site was created by IMAGINARY, a travelling exhibition that shows mathematics can be beautiful, interactive, something you can touch, or a way to express your emotions beyond what words can achieve. It has visited over 55 countries since 2007.
Raytracer by Aaron Montag.
Created using
by Jürgen Richter-Gebert.